Turklish and the importance of proofreading

Turklish and the importance of proofreading

If a picture is worth a thousand words, proofreading is probably worth even more. In a country like Turkey where the fascination for using English in advertising usually far outstrips the ability and attention to detail, checking something before sending it to print is priceless. The end result is what I call Turklish. Some fine…

Healthy Turkish seasonings – A Touch of Spice

Healthy Turkish seasonings – A Touch of Spice

In a little known film set in Istanbul spanning the last century, Turkish seasonings play an important role. In Turkey herbs and spices represent the continuity of history as well as the diversity within cultures. After interviewing my baharatçı, my spice seller Ayhan Baloğlu, I can see why. Born in Gaziantep on the hot dusty plains…

Kurban Bayram – My first Feast of the Sacrifice

Kurban Bayram – My first Feast of the Sacrifice

I can vividly remember the first time I came face to face with the results of the feast known in Turkey as Kurban Bayram. It’s the traditional religious holiday when all Muslim are expected to commemorate the strength of Ibrahim’s faith by sacrificing a cow, sheep or goat (read more about the meaning of Kurban…