Search Results for: kadikoy

My Books & Audio

My Books & Audio

My Books & Audio My passion for Turkey is never ending and I started to write about my experiences in Istanbul and Turkey to show people the similarities we share. No matter who we are, what religion (or not) we follow, or where we’re born, we laugh, learn, fall in love, marry, make difficult decisions,…

Writing on Turkey

Writing on Turkey

Writing on Turkey Writing on Turkey In addition to writing for this website, I have published five books about Istanbul and Turkey, written articles for magazines and internet travel sites, as well as researched and produced an audio tour of Kadikoy. Listed below are details of my writing about Istanbul and Turkey, including links. To…


Contact If you’d like to advertise on my site, have me write for you, or have any other questions or comments please fill out the form below. In order for me to answer you effectively, please provide as much detail as you can so I know what you’re after. Thank you! I look forward to…

Easter in Turkey: Eggs, buns, bunnies or church

Easter in Turkey: Eggs, buns, bunnies or church

My family wasn’t religious, so when I was a little girl in primary school I was always slightly jealous of the other children at Easter. I’d see them emerge from scripture classes clutching Easter bonnets festooned with strips of paper, straw baskets filled with fluffy yellow cotton wool chickens and colourful pictures of the saints….