Search Results for: eastern turkey

Easter in Turkey: Eggs, buns, bunnies or church

Easter in Turkey: Eggs, buns, bunnies or church

My family wasn’t religious, so when I was a little girl in primary school I was always slightly jealous of the other children at Easter. I’d see them emerge from scripture classes clutching Easter bonnets festooned with strips of paper, straw baskets filled with fluffy yellow cotton wool chickens and colourful pictures of the saints….

Voting in Turkey – The Nuts and Bolts of Elections*

Voting in Turkey – The Nuts and Bolts of Elections*

After Republic day in 2002, the main topic of conversation among my students was voting in Turkey due to the the upcoming Turkish elections. It was impossible to ignore them because every other day some party leader came to Kayseri to mount the hustings and win votes. Posters appeared everywhere advertising rallies in Cumhuriyet Meydan,…



Destinations Turkey is a vast country with dramatic mountains towering over turquoise seas, surreal landscapes filled with fairy chimneys, arid plains containing ancients discoveries dating back millennia and more. Whether you just want to laze at the beach, get in touch with nature, or deep dive into the latest archaeological discoveries, you’ll find what you’re…

Gaziantep Part II – What to eat, drink & buy, when to go, how to get there & where to stay

Gaziantep Part II – What to eat, drink & buy, when to go, how to get there & where to stay

The two devastating earthquakes that struck south eastern Turkey in the early hours of Monday and again around midday, 6 February 2023 continue to effect the people of Gaziantep. However the city is once again welcoming visitors. Tourism dollars go some way to normalising life but there is still a lot to be done. If…

Gallipoli Pt I –  all around the green bush far and free

Gallipoli Pt I – all around the green bush far and free

I’m pleased to welcome fellow Australian Craig Roach. Like me he’s passionate about Turkey and has a lot to share about his life and adventures in the country over the last thirty years. Here’s part one of his exclusive interview with Inside Out In Istanbul (updated April 2023). What first brought you to Turkey Craig?…